300 Rhymable Sight Words


This print file has 300 high frequency sight words from Dolch/Fry in A-Z order.   

Each sight word has an initial sound picture and a rhyme. The rhymes help with pronunciation and  many learners begin reading immediately! Builds vocabulary, improves self-confidence and encourages speaking and reading.

100 and 300 Soundable Sight Words are also available as a video.        

Write the sight words.
Write the sight word and the rhyme! 

193 pages, 2 per page

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This print file has 300 high frequency sight words from Dolch/Fry in A-Z order.   

Each sight word has an initial sound picture and a rhyme. The rhymes help with pronunciation and  many learners begin reading immediately! Builds vocabulary, improves self-confidence and encourages speaking and reading.

100 and 300 Soundable Sight Words are also available as a video.        

Write the sight words.
Write the sight word and the rhyme! 

193 pages, 2 per page

This print file has 300 high frequency sight words from Dolch/Fry in A-Z order.   

Each sight word has an initial sound picture and a rhyme. The rhymes help with pronunciation and  many learners begin reading immediately! Builds vocabulary, improves self-confidence and encourages speaking and reading.

100 and 300 Soundable Sight Words are also available as a video.        

Write the sight words.
Write the sight word and the rhyme! 

193 pages, 2 per page

Digraphs - read and write
SameAble Beginning Sounds
Compound Word Picture Word Bank 
Rhymeable Sight Words Bundle - 9 sets of 100
CVC - B D P words