Multiply to 9x12 with Counters


Have students count these out daily! Also great for skip counting and addition.

Print 2-pages per page, front and back for drills.

6 page file 

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Have students count these out daily! Also great for skip counting and addition.

Print 2-pages per page, front and back for drills.

6 page file 

Have students count these out daily! Also great for skip counting and addition.

Print 2-pages per page, front and back for drills.

6 page file 

Subtraction 0-20 with number line_Page_2.png
Subtraction 0-20 with number line
Number Nose-Addition to 20_Page_2.png
Number Nose - Addition to 20
Screen Shot 2023-02-23 at 10.43.28 AM.png
Hundreds Tens Ones - Addition with visuals
Screen Shot 2023-02-23 at 7.46.40 AM.png
Addition worksheets - Dots and Numberline
Multiply by ten hundred thousand_Page_2.png
Multiply by Ten, Hundred, Thousands